A mixed trend persisted for almost all varieties of tea at the Kochi tea auction. In sale no: 25, the quantity on offer in the dust CTC grade was 13,56,000 kg.

Market for good liquoring varieties, particularly finer grades, was steady to sometimes dearer. Clean black well-made medium varieties witnessed a steady market. Others were irregular and easier by Rs 2 to Rs 4.

The quantity on offer in orthodox grade was 18,000 kg and the market for primary grades barely remained steady. Others were lower with some withdrawals. However, there was good participation from exporters and upcountry buyers.

In the best CTC dust, PD varieties quoted at Rs 103/116, RD grades fetched Rs 102/123, SRD ruled at Rs 109/138 and SFD stood at Rs 110/147.

Demand was good for orthodox leaf grade and the quantity on offer was 217,000 kg. Market for Nilgiri bolder brokens, whole leaf grades, smaller brokens was fully firm to dearer by Rs 3 to Rs 5 and sometimes more. Corresponding fannings remained steady around last levels.

Medium tippy grades were firm to dearer. Other medium brokens also witnessed a similar trend. Medium fannings remained steady, while medium whole leaf grades were firm.

The quantity on offer in the CTC grade was 67,500 kg. Market for good liquoring CTC brokens and fannings remained steady to sometimes dearer. Others were steady around last levels, while medium plainer fannings also sometimes dearer.

In the dust category, Monica SFD quoted the best prices of Rs 148, followed by Jayshree Prm. SRD at Rs 147. In the leaf grades, Kodanaad TGFOP fetched the best prices of Rs 251 followed by Kundalay GFBOP at Rs 234.