Mixed trend in spot rubber bl-premium-article-image

Our Bureau Updated - July 20, 2018 at 09:31 PM.

Spot rubber was in a mixed trend on Friday. RSS 4 finished flat at ₹131 and ₹130.50 a kg, respectively according to traders and the Rubber Board. The transactions were low. RSS 4 declined at its August futures to ₹132 (133.02) and September to ₹130.90 (132.09)on the National Multi Commodity Exchange (NMCE). RSS 3 (spot) slid to ₹103.47 (103.86) at Bangkok. Its July futures weakened to ₹100.11 (100.93) on the Tokyo Commodity Exchange (TOCOM). Spot rubber rates (₹/kg) were: RSS-4: 131 (131); RSS-5: 128.50 (128); ISNR 20: 130 (130) and Latex (60% drc): 83.50 (83).

Published on July 20, 2018 16:01