The monsoon is rollicking over Central and East India and chugged into Uttar Pradesh on time on Monday while being ahead of time by at least five days in Central India and by more than ten days in West India as a cyclonic circulation over East India and a helpful trough in the neighbourhood extended their tango for another day.

Widespread rainfall with isolated heavy falls would continue over North-East India while it would be scattered to fairly widespread rain with isolated heavy to very heavy over Gujarat during the next 4-5 days. A rain-driving fresh low pressure area may form over the North Bay of Bengal during this period (around June 19).

Elsewhere, fairly widespread to widespread rainfall is likely over Maharashtra, Chhattisgarh, West Bengal, Sikkim, Odisha, Jharkhand and Bihar for another 2-3 days, an India Meteorological Department (IMD) update said on Monday. Unlike in recent years, June this year has maintained a surplus, at 31 per cent till Sunday.

Mumbai hardly tested

Scattered heavy to very heavy and isolated extremely is forecast for Konkan & Goa during the next 2-3 days; it would be isolated heavy to very heavy over interior Maharashtra, the hills of Bengal, Sikkim and Odisha and isolated heavy over Central India, Bihar, Jharkhand and plains of Bengal during this period.

Contrary to forecasts, Mumbai has missed out on the elevated monsoon play so far this year, but KS Hosalikar, Deputy Director-General, India Meteorological Department (IMD), Mumbai, tweeted that the monsoon is expected to come on to its own over the western metropolis during the next two days.

“Mumbai didn’t receive much expected rains after its monsoon onset. Was a soft onset” (sic), Hosalikar tweeted below pictures of a heavily overcast Mumbai skyline on a day when the northern limit of monsoon passed 830 km by road away to the North-West from Kandla in Kutch and onward next to Ahmedabad (both Gujarat); Indore, Narsinghpur and Umaria (Madhya Pradesh); and Balia (Uttar Pradesh).

Monsoon progress

An IMD update said that the monsoon has entered Gujarat state and covered entire Diu; checked into more parts of Madhya Pradesh; remaining parts of Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand and Bihar; and some parts of East Uttar Pradesh, on Monday. Conditions are becoming favourable for its further advance into some more parts of East Madhya Pradesh and East Uttar Pradesh during the next two days.

The East-West trough was active on Monday allowing the monsoon winds to converge and spread out rain over Central and East India. The trough ran down from North-West Rajasthan to Gangetic West Bengal. Also present was an East-West monsoon shear zone (where monsoon is most active) linking West Bengal with North Konkan.

Significantly, the zone also linked the cyclonic circulation over South-East Uttar Pradesh while cutting through South Madhya Pradesh ad North Madhya Maharashtra before ending over North Konkan. The entire swathe under its footprint has witnessed enhanced monsoon activity and will continue to do so, the IMD said.