Western disturbances will keep themselves busy through the week and possibly the next as they travel across Afghanistan-Pakistan to move into northwest India.

Being the principal weather-makers during winter, these are expected to roll out a regime of snowfall and rain in the higher reaches of the northwest and dense fog/thundershowers over the plains.


India Met Department says that they will be at work right until the end of the month, with the last one expected to cross in on the very last day (Saturday, Feb 28).

US National Centres for Environmental Prediction is of the view that the sprinkling wet weather will grow over the plains and spread into central India from Sunday onwards.

East India and parts of the east coast, including coastal Andhra Pradesh and Tamil Nadu, may also benefit as the disturbances moves in and interact with moist winds from the Bay of Bengal.

Karachi in Pakistan and adjoining coastal Gujarat, especially the southern parts, are also expected to witness showers as a weather system drops anchor off the Gujarat coast next week.


The European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts also saw more or less similar weather pattern breaking out over northwest, west, central and adjoining east India during the period.

West Rajasthan, which has been witnessing a major rain deficit, could witness a round or two of thundershowers as a circulation induced by the western disturbance rolls above it to the east.

Northern Gujarat and southwest Rajasthan could see relatively less precipitation even as regions to its south and north draw benefits from the showers.

The westerly-to-northwesterly winds would dip to the south to run into moist easterly winds across the Bay of Bengal and bound for Sri Lanka.


They would suitably ‘excite’ the wave to break up in showers over the southeast peninsula (mainly Tamil Nadu and coastal Andhra Pradesh).

An India Met warning for Tuesday and Wednesday said that heavy rain or snow would occur with isolated heavy falls over Jammu and Kashmir, Himachal Pradesh, and Uttarakhand.

Thunderstorm accompanied by hailstorm would lash Himachal Pradesh, Punjab, Haryana, Chandigarh, Delhi, west Uttar Pradesh and west Rajasthan on both the days.

A fresh western disturbance would troop into northwest India by Saturday and blow up into snowy and wet weather over the western Himalayas from the next day onwards.

Thundershowers are expected to break out over the northeastern states and extreme south peninsular India.