This week at Sale Number 23, the total offerings (packages) at the three North Indian tea auction centres at Kolkata, Guwahati and Siliguri were 2,31,974 compared to 1,92,839 in the corresponding sale No. 23 last year, according to J. Thomas & Company Pvt Ltd, the tea auctioneers.

The offerings at Kolkata comprised CTC/dust 79,152 (72,817), orthodox 16,816 (11,513) and Darjeeling 3,858 (4,507). The offerings at the two other centres were: Guwahati 84,390 (65,783) and Siliguri 48,388 (38,219).

CTC: Market witnessed good demand. Assams tended lower except for selected improved varieties which sold well. Dooars followed a similar trend. TGBL was selective. HUL operated for medium varieties. Western India was active for liquoring sorts. There was some export enquiry for bolder brokens and fannings.

Orthodox: Clean well made whole leaf and larger brokens sold at around last levels. Smaller brokens and fannings tended firm to dearer. Shippers to the CIS and West Asia were active, North India buyers were active for bolder whole leaf grades. Local dealers operated for liquoring fannings.

Darjeeling: Whole leaf varieties witnessed improved enquiry and sold in line with quality. TGBL lent useful support, traditional exporters were active for few improved sorts on offer. Brokens and fannings were readily absorbed around last levels.