Nabard Consultancy Services, an arm of Nabard, launched accreditation of warehouses of Primary Agricultural Cooperatve Societies here on Friday.

The accreditation is a must for PACS to get their warehouses registered with the Warehouse Development and Regulatory Authority (WDRA).

This would make them eligible to issue Negotiable Warehouse Instruments (NWRs) with which farmers can get post-harvest loans.

Speaking after formally launching the service and scheme for post-harvest loans, Prakash Bakshi, Chairman of Nabard, said post-harvest loans through NWRs would discourage distress sale and empower farmers.

Dinesh Rai, Chairman, WDRA said there was a need to involve PACS and district cooperative banks in issue of NWRs.

Twenty-one warehouses owned by 13 PACS in Nizamabad district were accredited by the Nabard arm.

Nabard also released Rs 8 crore to APCOB to extend post-harvest loans to small and marginal farmers at 7 per cent interest.

NWRs and sanction letters were also distributed to some farmers on the occasion.