Non-governmental organisations (NGOs) and charitable organisations providing cooked meals to the poor and needy during the period of nationwide lockdown have been permitted to buy foodgrains from Food Corporation of India (FCI) godowns at Open Market Sale Scheme (OMSS) rates, without going through the e-auction, an official statement said on Wednesday night.

These organisations have been permitted to purchase one to 10 tonnes of foodgrains from the 2,000-odd FCI godowns in the country at predetermined reserve prices. While the OMSS reserve price for rice is ₹2,250 per quintal, that of wheat is ₹2,135 per quintal. Hitherto, only state governments and registered bulk users like roller flour mMills were allowed to buy stock from FCI under OMSS rates.

“It will help relief camps in their philanthropic work of feeding poor and migrant workers in the country. The details of lifting of foodgrains by such institutions would be intimated to the concerned DMs (District Magistrates) to ensure that the foodgrains are utilised for the intended purpose,” the statement said.

Maintaining the quick pace of transportation of foodgrain stocks across the country, FCI has moved 2.2 million tonnes from the surplus states since the beginning of the lockdown. It has already handed over about a million tonnes of foodgrains to state governments for free distribution under the PM Gharib Kalyan Ann scheme.

Besides, FCI has delivered about 3.2 million tonnes of foodgrains to state governments to meet the requirements under regular National Food Security Act allocation since March 24. The stock position of foodgrains in every State/UT in the country is being closely monitored and ensured that sufficient stocks are made available at all places.

As on April 7, FCI had 54.42 million tonnes of foodgrains ― 30.62 million tonnes of rice and 23.80 million tonnes of wheat.