Livelihood education platform ffreedom (a unit of IndianMoney) has announced a partnership with Krishify, a social network and commerce platform for farmers, to provide free courses for enabling farmers to build agriculture businesses.

The objective of Krishify is to accredit professionals in the Indian agriculture space to improve their business prospects, said the company in a statement.

At Krishify, farmers are connected with all the stakeholders—including fellow farmers, traders, distributors, farm equipment sellers, and transportation service providers and agribusinesses of all sizes and shapes—by leveraging a unified mobile-first vernacular platform that is enabled by artificial intelligence and machine learning technology.

Quoting CS Sudheer, Founder and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of ffreedom app, the statement said there is a direct correlation between the agricultural economy and the country’s larger economy.

India has a large expanse of agriculturally fertile territory that has yet to reap the benefits of the demographic dividend. “In order to do so, we need to help the farming community with the right expertise to help them understand the potential that their fields have in a practical way with minimal investment. With more than 200 mentors in the farming landscape, ffreedom app provides a platform to help the audience of Krishify gain expertise and grow their businesses from the comfort of their homes,” he said.

Rajesh Ranjan, CEO of Krishify, said at the heart of the partnership between Krishify and ffreedom is the intent to serve the interests of millions of farmers in India and help them to absorb new-age information on agriculture and farming. Access to these free and progressive educational courses will improve their livelihood and economic prospects, he said.