Oilseeds and pulses acreage has gained early lead as rabi or winter plantings has commenced across the country.

According to preliminary data released by the Agriculture Ministry, oilseed has been planted on an area of 20.31 lakh hectares (lh) so far, an increase of 13 per cent over last year’s 17.94 lh.

However, the acreage break-up was not available.

Rapeseed-mustard is the main oilseed grown during rabi, while toria and safflower are also grown during the winter.

Similarly, pulses have been planted on 7.84 lh, an increase of 18 per cent over last year’s 6.66 lh. Gram and lentil are the major pulses grown during the rabi season.

Jowar, a key coarse cereal has seen a decline in acreage at 12.81 lh (20.21 lh). However, maize has seen a marginal increase in acreage at 1.13 lh (0.90 lh).

Wheat picture

Planting on wheat, the major winter cereal crop, is yet to begin on a large scale.

Indu Sharma, Director of the Karnal-based Directorate of Wheat Research said there has been some early planting in isolated areas, but it will gain momentum only by mid-November.

The wheat acreage is likely to be in the range of 29-31 million hectares.

The recent rain across key growing States in North India is expected to aid the rabi sowing process.

MSP details

The Government has declared a ₹50 increase in the minimum support price for wheat at ₹1,450 a quintal, to be marketed in the 2015-16 season.

For gram, the MSP has been hiked by ₹75 to ₹3,175 and for rapeseed-mustard the support price has been enhanced by ₹50 to ₹3,100.

Total area edges up

The total acreage under kharif rice as on October 31 stood at 380.30 lh compared to 376.73 lh in the corresponding last year.