All India Sugar Trade Association (AISTA) on Thursday said with the international price of raw sugar is hovering around 19 cents per pound, Indian sugar mills have an opportunity to liquidate excess sugar stocks and pay remunerative cane price to farmers.

In a statement, AISTA Chairman Praful Vithalani said as of Thursday, the physical sugar dispatched from sugar mills for export is placed at 64.10 lakh tonnes. Out of this, the total physical sugar exports are 58.10 lakh tonnes. At least 49.60 lakh tonnes of sugar have been exported by sugar mills and merchant exporters directly. About 8.50 lakh tonnes of sugar have been delivered to Indian refineries for refining and export (deemed export).

As per AISTA sources, contracts to export 74 lakh tonnes of sugar have been signed till date.    “The Railway is giving priority to wheat movement, which is affecting the availability of railway wagons for sugar export and exporters are finding it difficult to arrange wagons,” AISTA said.