This week at Sale Number 24 at the Kolkata tea auction, the average price of the Orthodox variety at Rs 218.99 per kg was higher than last week’s (Sale Number 23) Rs 210.36 per kg. The average CTC price at Rs 142.37 per kg was lower than last week’s Rs 144.40 per kg, according to J. Thomas & Company Pvt Ltd, tea auctioneers. An estimated 94.18 per cent (92.06 per cent) of the Orthodox and 62.41 per cent (76.95 per cent) of CTC volumes offered were sold.

This week, the total offerings (packages) at the three North Indian tea auction centres at Kolkata, Guwahati and Siliguri were 2,66,831 as compared to 2,43,843 in the corresponding sale (No. 24) of last year. The offerings at Kolkata comprised CTC/Dust 90,661 (91,821), Orthodox 25,535 (13,461) and Darjeeling 4,988 (6,378). The offerings at the two other centres were: Guwahati 77,965 (77,868) and Siliguri 67,682 (54,315).

Improved Assam CTC teas sold well while the remaining Assams were easier. Good Dooars sold irregularly around last levels. Tata Global operated selectively on the liquoring sorts. Hindustan Unilever operated less forcefully on the mediums. Western India operated actively for the liquoring teas. There were good enquiries from other internal and local sections. Exporters operated on the larger brokens.

The Orthodox whole leaf and broken grades met with strong demand and sold at firm to dearer rates. Fannings sold at irregularly lower rates. CIS and West Asia shippers operated actively. North India buyers were active for the bolder whole leaf grades. There was fair interest from local dealers on the liquoring fannings and secondaries.  

The Darjeeling whole leaf varieties witnessed useful enquiry and sold well with competition. Tata Global and traditional exporters were active. Brokens met with export and local enquiry and sold at firm to dearer rates. Fannings maintained levels.