A widespread overseas demand coupled with the non-availability of tea in North India has pushed up orthodox leaf prices in Kochi auctions, witnessing an increase of ₹6 per kg in average price.

Traders said 90 per cent of the offered quantity of 2,19,171 kg in orthodox grades was sold in sale 11, thanks to increased purchases made by North Indian buyers because of winter holidays there. The buying trend is likely to continue for some more time until the first flush from the gardens hits the North Indian auctions.

Tunisia enquiries

The auctioneers Forbes, Ewart & Figgis said that exporters to CIS and Middle East countries were active, while useful enquiry noticed from Tunisia.

In CTC leaf, sold quantity was 93 per cent out of the offerings of 45,000 kg. Best brokens was firm to dearer and major packateers lent fair support along with Kerala and upcountry buyers.

The dust market was also firm and dearer due to lower arrivals as the offered quantity was 7,73,074 kg with a sales percentage of 92. Blenders together covered 56 per cent of the CTC dust sold, while export demand was subdued.

Orthodox dust had a less demand with a sales percentage of 18 out of the offered quantity of 10,500 kg. The market was lower and witnessed lot of withdrawals.