Kochi tea sale continued to witness declining trend in prices coupled with low arrivals and withdrawals.

The quantity on offer in CTC dust grade was 11,83,500 kg, which was low compared to last week's level.

Market for Select Best Liquoring teas and popular marks barely remained steady. Others were irregular and lower by ₹3 to ₹5 and sometimes up to ₹10. It also witnessed lot of withdrawals. There was subdued demand from exporters and upcountry buyers, auctioneers Forbes, Ewart & Figgis said.

Arrivals in Orthodox dust variety were also low at 13,000 kg, and there were also some withdrawals.

In Cochin CTC dust quotation, good varieties fetched ₹85-135, medium grades quoted ₹63-82 and plain stood at ₹51-60.

The leaf sale also witnessed lot of withdrawals and the quantity on offer in Orthodox grades was 159,500 kg. Select Best Nilgiri all varieties barely steady to firm, while others were irregular and lower. Medium Clean Black Well Made Bolder Broken and Whole Leaf was firm to dearer.

With fair demand, the quantity on offer in CTC grades was 66,000 kg. Market for Good Liquoring varieties was steady, while others were irregular and lower by ₹3 to ₹5. It also witnessed lot of withdrawals. There was active participation from upcountry and Kerala buyers.

In dust varieties, both Majolai SFD and Monica SFD quoted the best prices of ₹137 each followed by Manjolai FD at ₹135. In leaf grades, Chamraj Green tea FOP (sup) fetched the best prices of ₹296 followed by Pascos Woodlands Hyson Green tea at ₹287.