Prevailing dry weather has made its impact on several varieties at the Kochi tea auction, with prices surging.

CTC dust market was firm to dearer by ₹2 to ₹4 and sometimes more following quality. The increase in price was more for smaller grades.

In sale no 7, the quantity on offer was 9,76,000 kg, which was lower compared to last week. There was a subdued demand from upcountry buyers and exporters, the auctioneers Forbes, Ewart & Figgis said.

With a good demand for Orthodox grades, the quantity on offer was 10,000 kg. The market for primary grades was barely steady and tended to ease. Exporters absorbed a small quantity of Orthodox dust sold.

In Cochin CTC dust quotation, Good varieties quoted ₹91-154, mediums fetched ₹70-116 and plain grades stood at ₹62-73.

In leaf varieties, the quantity on offer in Orthodox grades was lower at 118,500 kg. The market for Select Best Nilgiri Brokens and Whole Leaf was firm to dearer. Others were irregular and sometimes lower.

In CTC leaf, the quantity on offer was 87,000 kg. The market was steady to firm and sometimes dearer.

In the dust category, Monica SFD quoted the best prices of ₹154 followed by Manjolai SFD at ₹151. In leaf grades, Havukal FOP fetched ₹341 followed by Kodanaad TGFOP (S) at ₹336.

Meanwhile, the tea industry welcomed the Centre’s move to make it mandatory for tea manufacturers to sell 70 per cent of their produce through auctions.

The plans to amend the Tea Marketing Control Order 2003 to sell the produce through Tea Board initiated e-auction system will give an impetus to the ailing tea industry. Besides ensuring large participation in auctions, the revised order is expected to bring more quantities, trade transparency and maintain better price realisation in tea auctions, Dharmendra D Vora, President, Tea Buyers Association, Kochi said.