Broiler chicken prices in Kerala continued to fall with retail prices dropping to ₹50 per kg from the earlier level of ₹90-100. The sales have plummeted sharply in almost all the retail outlets by 80 per cent following reports of the outbreak of avian flu from central parts of the State.

The alarming situation has put the 10 lakh-odd poultry farmers dealing in live broiler chicken sales in a crisis, which would have a serious impact on the upcoming Christmas and New Year sales, said Binny Immatty, State President of the Poultry Farmers and Traders Samithy.

Kerala, with a per capita consumption of 10.8 kg poultry meat, consumes 875 tonnes per day against a production of 321 tonnes. To meet the additional demand, the State has to depend on neighbouring Tamil Nadu and Kerala.

He said that the avian flu virus had so far been detected only in ducks, but its impact had been felt in the sale of other poultry, meat and eggs, affecting exports.

According to him, the production cost of one kg broiler bird is at ₹70 today and the price fall in the retail market has made the things worse. He pointed out that a chick brought from Tamil Nadu cost ₹45 including 14.5 per cent VAT. By the time the chick is sold, it consumes feed worth ₹30 for the next 30 days. Thereafter, the chicken consumes much more without any proportionate growth in size leading to loss for farmers if they could not sell it, he said.

To allay the fears about chicken consumption, he said the Samithy was planning to organise food festivals serving chicken and egg dishes this week in Kochi and other parts jointly with Kerala Poultry Development Corporation.