Good demand pushed up the prices of almost all varieties of tea at the Kochi auction last week. The quantity on offer in the CTC Dust category was 11,73,500 kg.

The market for good liquoring teas was firm to dearer by Re 1 to Rs 2 and sometimes more. Mediums and plainer varieties were irregular and dearer by Re 1 to Rs 3 following quality.

Of the 16,000 kg on offer in Orthodox varieties, the market was irregular and easier with many withdrawals. Primary grades were absorbed by exporters.

In the best CTC Dusts, PD varieties quoted Rs 94/110, RD varieties stood at Rs 96/110, SRD varieties ruled at Rs 103/112 and SFD at 104/117.

A better demand witnessed in the leaf category and the quantity of Orthodox Leaf and CTC Leaf on offer in the auction was 132,000 kg and 96,500 kg respectively.

In the Orthodox Leaf, Highgrown Whole Leaf Bolder Brokens, Smaller Brokens were firm to dearer following quality. Fannings sold around last levels. Well-made, clean Black Medium Bolder Brokens and Whole Leaf Smaller Brokens were dearer by Rs 5-10 following quality.

All varieties of CTC leaf was dearer by Rs 3-5 and sometimes more except indifferently manufactured teas, which were irregular and lower.

In the dust category, both Injipara (Prm) SFD and SRD quoted the best prices of Rs 137 followed by Injipara (Prm) RD at Rs 134. In the leaf varieties, Chamraj FOP Green Tea quoted the best prices of Rs 275 followed by Chamraj OP, Havukal BOPF (Sup) and Chundavurrai Pekoe at Rs 210.