Farmers are seen bringing in more area under pulses in the summer season sowing even as the total acreages under all crops for the season, so far, is marginally lower than the previous year.

As per the Agriculture Ministry’s latest data, summer crops have been sown so far in about 65.29 lakh hectares as compared to 66.02 lakh hectares in the same period last year. Area under pulses and Shree Anna-cum-coarse cereals have seen an increase, while the acreages under paddy and oilseeds are lower than the same period last year.

Area under pulses is up at 17.57 lakh hectares as compared to 16.23 lakh hectares in the same period last year. Among pulses, farmers have preferred to plant more area under green gram at 14.27 lakh hectares (12.83 lakh hectares in same period last year), while acreages under black gram or urad is marginally lower at 3.08 lakh hectares (3.12 lakh hectares).

Among coarse cereals, the acreage under maize is marginally higher at 6.30 lakh hectares (6.24 lakh hectares), while bajra has seen an increase at 4.29 lakh hectares (3.59 lakh hectares). Overall acreages under coarse cereals are higher at 10.86 lakh hectares (10.19 lakh hectares).


However, the area under oilseeds is lower at 9.40 lakh hectares(10.46 lakh hectares). While the acreages under groundnut has declined to 4.50 lakh hectares(5.27 lakh hectares), the area under sesamum has increased marginally to 4.36 lakh hectares(4.26 lakh hectares).

Meanwhile, the country as a whole has received 8 per cent more rainfall in the pre-monsoon season from March 1 till May 1 as per the IMD data. South Peninsula has received 32 per cent more precipitation while central India has received 167 per cent more. East and north-east India have witnessed a deficit of 24 per cent, while north-west India the rainfall has been 2 per cent lower than normal.