The Cabinet has approved extension of the time limit regulating trade in pulses, edible oils and edible oilseeds till September 30, 2016.

The order was to expire on October 1, but has been extended till next year. “It will enable States to regulate the trade of these essential commodities and to continue to take effective operations under the Essential Commodities Act,” an official statement said.

States can impose stock limits, licensing requirements and other measures to curb unscrupulous trading, hoarding and profiteering. “The extension will also help States in tackling the problem of ensuring adequate availability of these commodities in the domestic market and keep prices under control,” the statement added. It also highlighted the policy initiatives and measures taken to enhance the availability and moderate the prices of pulses and onions.

For example, trade in urad and tur has been suspended, export of pulses has been banned and import duty on the same has been brought down to zero. .