The drought-hit Marathwada region of Maharashtra has received rains in the last couple of days. The spell of rain has given hope to farmers who largely depend on kharif crop. The region has received 430.7 mm rainfall since June against the normal rainfall of 526.4 mm, a deficit of 18 per cent.

Farmers say that even a few drizzles will help the crop to survive and some more showers in the coming days will ensure their survival. Maize, soya, cotton, mosambi, pulses, and groundnuts are some of the major crops in the region, along with sugarcane.

The rainfall deficit remains high in Beed district ( 35 per cent ). Except Nanded and Aurangabad districts, rainfall deficit in other districts is more than 20 per cent. The total water storage in dams in Aurangabad division is 32 per cent, compared with 28 per cent in the same month last year. However, water storage in Manjara and Majalgaon dams remain zero per cent.

Last year, against a normal rainfall of 682.9mm, Marathwada received 534.6mm.