Heavy unseasonal rains in Kalaburgi, north eastern Karnataka, which is a key producing region for tur (red gram) has hit the standing pulses crop, inflicting losses to growers, who were already reeling under the impact of a weak monsoon.

“Tur is currently being harvested in the region. The heavy rains have spoilt the harvest and also the standing crop. The government should immediately take up the assessment of crop losses and compensate the farmers,” said Basavaraj Ingin, President, Karnataka Red Gram Growers Association.

The tur crop-loss is expected to hit supply, and is likely to result in an uptrend in prices of the pulses crop, as the demand is expected to pick up ahead of Pongal. The new crop arrivals have begun, with rates in the range of ₹4,800-5,100 per quintal, still lower than the MSP of ₹5,600, said Santosh Langar, a dal miller in Kalaburgi. Arrivals are expected to gain pace by the end of December. Prices of the old crop are traded around ₹4,500-4,600 per quintal.

Maruti Manpade, a farmer leader, said the Centre should increase the compensation provided to farmers due to natural calamity from the current ₹6,800 per hectare to at least ₹25,000. The rains may help the standing rabi jowar crop, but could impact the gram crop in the region.

A low pressure in the Bay of Bengal could also bring more rains.