Rubber Skill Development Council (RSDC) is working on a two-pronged model under which it will be skilling local people for meeting the needs in rubber manufacturing units and also be creating a livelihood model for returned migrant workers in their respective States.

With a major portion of the workforce having migrated from States with large rubber clusters, RSDC is gearing up to train the local populace in required job roles so that the rubber manufacturing plants could run smoothly.

“The Southern states such as Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Andhra, Telangana and also states such as Maharashtra, Gujarat, Punjab & Haryana have witnessed a large exodus of the workforce. Incidentally, these States are also housing large clusters of Rubber manufacturing units which are facing the heat in view of manpower crunch and voicing the need for local skilled human resources. We have targeted to skill and re-skill people in popular job roles required by the rubber manufacturing plants”, Vinod Simon, Chairman RSDC told BusinessLine .

Along with this, RSDC is joining hands with States such as Uttar Pradesh, Bihar and Jharkhand that have witnessed a large influx of reverse migrant population.

“Most of the Migrant workers, who have returned homes, have so far not been able to find employment in their home State. So, the Intervention by RSDC as a skill council is targeted for skill training and helping them get placements locally or motivate and support them in self-employment,” said Simon.

RSDC plans to train them for job roles of mill operator, moulding operator and mixing operator, among others. It is looking to skill and re-skill training of about 30,000 migrant people in the near term.

“The targeted beneficiaries will be motivated to start their own enterprises in tyre services and rubber processing and allied enterprises after the completion of their training” he added.

Meanwhile, the curriculum and mode of skill training will also undergo a change in view of the ongoing pandemic.

“The delivery of the training curriculum will be revised to fit in the new guidelines and to decrease human-to-human contact. Some part of the curriculum may be imparted through remote learning infrastructure and platforms wherever possible,” according to Shewani Nagpal, Chief Operating Officer, RSDC.

Besides skill training in rubber, RSDC is also looking at equipping trainees with digital skills. These skills will stand them in good stead to perform better and increase their employability.

RSDC is also in the process of developing online training content and has created an in-house platform for the students, in-service professionals, trainers and assessors to access the e-Learning content on their mobile, laptop, tab etc.