Scanty rains have affected the sowing of most rabi crops including oilseeds and pulses as on December 23 this year over the corresponding period last year. Wheat has been an exception.

The acreage under wheat is marginally higher this year (see table) mainly on account of higher area coverage reported from Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan, Chhattisgarh and Jharkhand. However, States such as Maharashtra, Gujarat, Karnataka and Punjab have reported lower area this year so far.

The sowing of pulses is lower on account of less coverage in States such as Maharashtra and Karnataka due to the non-receipt of rains during the sowing period. The area under pulses in Maharashtra is down by 2.85 lakh ha and Karnataka 1.6 lakh ha over corresponding last year.

For the current rabi season the Government had targeted sowing of pulses in some 151 lakh ha, higher than the normal area of 122 lakh ha. The increase in targeted area was to offset the decline in output in kharif season this year.

In case of gram, the dominant rabi pulse crop, sowing has taken place in 85.7 lakh ha as against 89.6 lakh ha in the previous year. The area under lentil is also down marginally, whereas sowing of peas, moong and urd is up marginally.

Sowing of oilseeds, especially rapeseed-mustard, safflower and sunflower is down this rabi, while that of groundnut is up marginally. The area under rapeseed mustard is down by about 4 per cent to 63 lakh ha.

The sowing of coarse cereals and rice transplantation is progressing at a sluggish pace this year, mainly on account of less rain.
