India Met Department has mounted a tropical cyclone alert in the Bay of Bengal.

The morning bulletin said that the existing depression in the Bay of Bengal has deepened into a deep depression.

It will become a tropical cyclone (to be called 'Helen') in the next few hours.

It will intensify as a severe tropical cyclone by tomorrow and cross the south Andhra Pradesh coast between Chennai in Tamil Nadu and Ongole in Andhra Pradesh (close to Kavali) towards the night.

Warning: Heavy to very heavy rainfall at a few places with isolated extremely heavy falls would occur over coastal Andhra Pradesh.

Squally winds speed reaching 55 to 65 km/h gusting to 75 km\h would prevail along and off south Andhra Pradesh coast commencing from tonight.

Sea conditions would be rough to very rough along and off Andhra Pradesh coast.

Tomorrow: Heavy to very heavy rainfall at a few places with isolated extremely heavy rainfall over coastal Andhra Pradesh.

Heavy to very heavy falls at isolated places over north coastal Tamil Nadu & and Puduchery.

Squally winds speed reaching 55 to 65 km/hr gusting to 75 km/hr along and off north Andhra Pradesh and north Tamil Nadu and Puducherry coasts.

Sea conditions would be very high along and off Andhra Pradesh coast.