Spot rubber closed unchanged on Thursday. With holiday mood setting, the market direction amidst dull volumes. A partial recovery in overseas indices failed to make any visible impact in the local sentiments.

RSS 4 was quoted steady at  Rs 156 per kg by traders and the Rubber Board. The grade finished flat Rs 152 per kg, according to Dealers.

RSS 3 (spot) improved to Rs 163.27(162.78) per kg at Bangkok. SMR 20 firmed up to Rs 112.83 (110.59) and Latex to Rs 106.35 (106.15) per kg at Kualalumpur.

The NR futures closed higher in day time trading on Shanghai Futures Exchange (ShFE). The most active natural rubber contract for May 2021 delivery was up by 205 Yuan (Rs 2,308.97) to close at 14,220 Yuan (Rs 160,163.94) a tonne.

Spot rubber rates (Rs/kg) were: RSS4:156.00 (156.00); RSS5: 146.00(146.00); ISNR20: 127.00 (127.00) and Latex (60% drc): 103.50 (103.50).