Sugar production in the current 2011-12 season till January 15 is up by about a fifth to 10.45 million tonnes (mt), according to the Indian Sugar Mills Association. In the corresponding period last year, sugar output stood at 8.76 mt. About 516 factories have stated crushing against 498 in the last year.

Key sugar producing States such as Uttar Pradesh, Maharashtra and Karnataka have registered an increase of around 22 per cent for the period. UP, the second largest producer state has crushed about 34.7 mt of sugarcane till January 15 as against 27.1 mt in corresponding period last year. Despite an increase in sugarcane crushing, the recovery is lower at 8.49 per cent as against 8.85 per cent, as mills started crushing earlier after being directed by the State Government.

Cane crushing in Maharashtra was up at 34.6 mt as against 31.5 mt. Recovery was also higher at 10.71 per cent as against 10.25 per cent last year. Maharashtra is expecting lower cane yield but the increase in area under cane and much higher sugar recovery compensates for the lower yield and the production in the state may be similar or higher to last year, ISMA said.