Tea production in India is expected to grow by nearly 6 per cent in 2013 owing to better rainfall, according to Indian Tea Association (ITA). In 2012, total tea production stood at nearly 1,126 million kg.

“Indian tea production during 2013 is expected to touch at least 1,190 m kg, recording an increase of 65 m kg to 70 m kg,” A. N. Singh, Chairman, ITA, said here on Saturday. He was addressing the 130th Annual General Meeting of the association. While higher production will come from North Indian tea estates, planters in South India will gain in terms of prices.

“From April 2013 till date, average tea price in North India declined by around Rs 2 a kg, while South India saw an increase by around Rs 2.5 a kg,” Singh said.

Marketing initiative During the meeting, Tea Board chairman M. G. V. K. Bhanu announced plans for a Rs 6-crore advertisement campaign to promote tea consumption in rural India. The campaign will be launched in four to five states.

“A core committee has been set up to look into the proposed campaign to promote tea consumption. An advertising agency has also been identified for the purpose,” he said.

To push exports , an Indian delegation led by ITA representatives will visit Russia in May, Singh said. This year, there has been additional 17 m kg output that is surplus in the domestic market. In 2012, India’s total tea exports stood at 201 m kg.
