The country's tea production is expected hover around 980-985 million kg (mkg) this year, higher than 966 mkg produced last year. Tea exports, however, are estimated to decline by four per cent to 185 mkg, according to the Consultative Committee of Plantation Associations (CCPA).

CCPA – an apex body of planters – had initially estimated the production for the year to cross one billion kg.


The initial estimates, however, had gone wary due to unfavourable weather conditions and unexpected crop loss during October-December quarter

According to the CCPA, unfavourable weather conditions since July in North India has lead to crop loss. Further projections by the apex planters' body predict crop losses in both North and South India during the October to December .


On the exports front, destination-wise data available with Tea Board show a decline across all countries except Pakistan. Tea exports were down by 13 mkg in the first 10 months.

The payment crisis with Iran has been a major contributor to the country's declining export trend. However, unit export price realisation, was considerably higher for north Indian teas.
