The declining trend continued at the Kochi tea auctions with prices of several varieties of tea quoting lower.

In sale no: 42, CTC dust on offer was 13,40,500 kg.

The demand was fair and the market opened Rs 5-15 lower. As the sale progressed, the drop in price was more and witnessed 25 per cent withdrawals. The decline in prices was less for the teas selected by AVT and Tata Global.

There has been a subdued demand from exporters and upcountry buyers. Kerala Loose Tea Traders and regional blenders lent fair support.

Of the 12,000 kg on offer in orthodox grades, the market was lower by Rs 5 and witnessed heavy withdrawals. Exporters absorbed the small quantity of orthodox dust.

In the best CTC dusts, PD varieties quoted Rs 100/115, RD grades fetched Rs 110/140, SRD ruled at Rs 120/145 and SFD stood at Rs 120/152.

There was only a fair demand for leaf and the quantity on offer in orthodox grades was 163,500 kg. The market for select best Nilgiri brokens and whole leaf was steady to firm. Others were lower following quality.

Corresponding fannings declined and witnessed some withdrawals. Medium well made tippy grades and bolder brokens were barely steady. Others were irregular and tended to ease with heavy withdrawals.

The quantity on offer in the CTC leaf grades was 87,500 kg. The market was lower with heavy withdrawals. Upcountry buyers and exporters absorbed the small quantity sold.

In the dust category, Manjolai SFD quoted the best prices of Rs 158 followed by Manjolai SRD at Rs 154. In the leaf grades, Pascoes Woodlands Hyson Green Tea fetched the best prices of Rs 276 followed by Chamraj FOP-Sup (green tea) at Rs 253.