The slide in tea prices continues at Kolkata auction. At Sale 31 this week, the average CTC price at Rs 143.75 a kg was lower than last week’s Rs 147.04. The average price of the Orthodox variety too was lower at Rs 221.38 (Rs 225.14) , according to J Thomas & Company Pvt Ltd., the tea auctioneers.

This week at Sale 31, the total offerings (packages) at three North Indian auction centres – Kolkata, Guwahati and Siliguri – were 4,33,942 compared to 4,05,845 in the corresponding sale (No 31) of last year. The offerings at Kolkata comprised CTC/Dust 1,40,602 (1,63,992), Orthodox 45,719 (26,005) and Darjeeling 10,625 (6,370). The figures for two other centres mainly handling CTC/Dust were Guwahati 1,40,944 (1,19,937) and Siliguri 96,052 (89,541).

Liquoring Assam CTC teas sold at irregularly lower rates while the remainder was lower following quality. Dooars sold at irregularly lower rates. Orthodox tippy whole leaf grades were readily absorbed . There was some Continental interest on the tippy sorts. Darjeeling whole leaf grades met with better demand Liquoring fannings saw good demand and sold at firm to dearer rates .