Low arrivals due to monsoon have propped up tea prices at Kochi auctions.

Good Liquoring teas in CTC dust were dearer by ₹3-5 a kg and it appreciated further up to ₹10 and more as the sale progressed. Moreover, active participation of vendors such as AVT, Kerala State Civil Supplies, Tata Global pushed up prices, the auctioneers Forbes, Ewart & Figgis said.

In sale no 31, the quantity on offer in CTC grades was 9,94,000 kg. Upcountry buyers and Kerala Loose Tea Traders lent fair support.

Arrivals in orthodox grades were also low at 14,500 kg, with primaries remained steady. Others were irregular and lower and witnessed many withdrawals. A small quantity of Orthodox dust sold was absorbed by exporters and upcountry buyers.

In Cochin CTC dust quotation, Good grades quoted ₹90-126, mediums fetched ₹62-90 and plain varieties stood at ₹50-63.

In Orthodox leaf, the quantity on offer was 189,500 kg and the market for Nilgiri Brokens was firm to dearer. Whole leaf remained steady and sometimes tended to ease. There was a fair demand from CIS countries and other exporters.

With 75,500 kg on offer in CTC leaf, the select best brokens was dearer. All other grades were lower by ₹3-5 and sometimes more.