Thundershowers have returned to the hills and plains, with Uttarakhand, Delhi, Rajasthan, Jharkhand, Chhattisgarh, Madhya Maharashtra and north interior Karnataka being affected during the 24 hours ending Friday morning.

Towards the north-east, foothills of West Bengal, Sikkim, Assam and Meghalaya witnessed thundershowers, an India Met Department update said.

Westerly systems This is even as a causative western disturbance waited over Afghanistan and adjoining Pakistan to move into north-west India.

It has also spun off an offspring cyclonic circulation ahead of it, which is parked over south Rajasthan and adjoining Gujarat.

This western disturbance is followed close on the heels by another one, parked currently over Iran-Iraq belt, and expected to cross Afghanistan-Pakistan and roll into north-west India next week.

The back-to-back western disturbances will bring heavy rain, thunderstorm, thunder squalls and hailstorm as they come into touch with the warming plains over north-west and central parts through next week. 

Weather warning India Met Department has put out a weather warning for north-west, west, central and north peninsular India as well as east and north-east India for the next four days.

Saturday: Thunderstorms accompanied with hailstorm/squall over Assam, Meghalaya, Nagaland, Manipur, Mizoram, Tripura, foothills of West Bengal and Sikkim. Sunday: Thunderstorm accompanied with hailstorm/squall at isolated places over Punjab, Haryana, Chandigarh, Delhi, Uttarakhand, Himachal Pradesh, west Uttar Pradesh, Rajasthan, west Madhya Pradesh and Odisha.

Thunderstorms accompanied with hailstorm at isolated places over Madhya Maharashtra and Marathwada; heavy rain at a few places over Jammu and Kashmir and isolated places over Himachal Pradesh.

US outlook An extended outlook valid until April 3 suggested similar weather conditions may prevail over most of the areas mentioned above.

Parts of south India may also get included under areas covered during this round, India Met said.

The US Climate Prediction Centre saw heavy to very rain for north Pakistan and adjoining western parts of Jammu and Kashmir during the week ending April 1.

A blow-up over weather is also forecast over Arunachal Pradesh and Assam and Meghalaya during this period.