At the Regulated Marketing Committee auction , 1989 bags of turmeric arrived for sales and samples were placed by the market committee authorities, but no trader participated in the tender, as none of them placed tenders, protesting against the attitude of the Regulated Marketing Committee authorities.

On December 26, in the Regulated Marketing Committee, a trader quoted a lot number and placed a tender. When it was read in the auction sale yard, he said he mentioned the lot number by mistake. For example, instead of quoting lot number 40, he quoted 41. So he wanted the Committee officials to cancel his tender.


But the Committee officials refused to cancel the same, stating that the farmers are objecting it. They said once a price was quoted for a lot, the trader who mentioned the price and the lot number should purchase the produce. But the trader said that he quoted the wrong number by mistake and refused to buy the produce. On this, the sale was stopped for an hour, talks were conducted amongst the traders, farmers and Regulated marketing committee officials. Finally, the Regulated Market Committee authorities favoured the traders and said this practice should not be entertained again.

Meanwhile, the Erode Turmeric Merchants Association President, Mr R.K.V. Ravishankar justified the stand of the trader and wrote a letter to the Collector to solve the issue.

Two days back, the Regulated marketing authorities in a written memorandum to the Turmeric Traders Association stated that once a trader placed a tender, it is valid and he or the committee has no right to change the tender amount. If a trader, even by mistake, quoted a wrong number in the tender, it will stand and the trader has to purchase the produce for the price he quoted.

Objecting to this, the traders kept away from attending the auction.

Because of the boycott, the farmers said they were the victims, as their stock was unsold in the committee.

Only the turmeric auction was conducted in three places except Regulated marketing Committee.

Meanwhile, an urgent meeting was convened in the Erode Turmeric Merchants Association.