The United Planters Association South India (Upasi) has expressed concern over the drastic decline in the allocation of funds to Tea Board from Rs 375 crore in the BE 21-22 to Rs 131.92 crore in the BE 22-23.

M.P.Cherian, President, Upasi said that Rs 200 crore allocated in the BE 21-22 for the welfare of tea plantation workers in Assam and West Bengal has not been provided in the BE 2022-23. This means that the actual allocation to the Tea Board [excluding welfare schemes] is still lower by Rs. 43 crore.

The main issue highlighted in the budget wish list was to consider higher allocation of funds to the Commodity Boards to clear the amount due to the plantation sector to help ease the current difficult situation prevailing, he said.

More allocation to Rubber board

There is more fund allocation to Rubber Board. Last year, the original allotment was Rs 190 crore and it was subsequently increased to Rs 263.95 crore. This year the allotment is Rs 268.76 crore, an all time high, sources in the rubber sector said.

For Coffee Board, BE for 2021-22 was Rs 180 crore. It was Rs 188.41 crore in RE 21-22 and Rs 225.21 crore in BE 22-23. In the case of Spices Board, BE for 2021-22 was Rs 100 crore and RE for the period was Rs 115.50 crore. In BE 22-23, there is no change in the figure.

Since the cost of fertiliser has been doubled in the recent past as is evident from the current price of MOP at Rs 34,000 per tonne from the level of Rs 18,000 tonne affecting the plantations, UPASI was anticipating higher allocation of fertiliser subsidy in the budget. However, the fertiliser allocation has been reduced to Rs 1,05,222.32 crore from Rs 1,40,122.32 crores, a reduction of Rs 34,900 crore.

Upasi president welcomed the Government announcement to bring in policies and legislative changes to promote agroforestry and private forestry. Considering the huge potential of plantations in embracing agroforestry, he said the Government will make suitable legislations to promote agroforestry in plantations.