The Centre has fixed wheat procurement target for the 2014-15 rabi marketing season at 30.06 million tonnes (mt) against the actual procurement of 28.02 mt. The target was fixed at a meeting with State Food Secretaries held here on Monday to discuss procurement arrangements, an official statement said.

Overall rice procurement for the 2014-15 kharif marketing season was fixed at 35.11 mt, which included 30.05 mt of the kharif crop along with 5.05 mt grown during the rabi season. Actual procurement of rice during the 2013-14 and 2014-15 kharif seasons have been pegged at 31.84 mt and 20.74 mt, respectively.

Reported State-wise wheat procurement estimates ranged from 12 mt in Punjab to 7 mt in Haryana. Madhya Pradesh recorded 6 mt, while Uttar Pradesh and Rajasthan reported 3 mt and 1.8 mt, respectively.