Underlining the need for yield improvement in cotton cultivation in the country, trade leaders called for better resource management and protection from pest infestations.

At the 97th Annual General Meeting (AGM) of apex cotton trade body Cotton Association of India (CAI), Atul Ganatra, President, stated that the domestic productivity level of the fibre remains one of the lowest in the world.

“Cotton productivity has increased from around 300 kg/ha in 2002-03 to nearly 500 kg/ha now. However, it is still among the lowest in the world. With an average productivity of 2,028 kgs/ha, Australia is on the top. Even smaller countries such as Syria, Myanmar, Pakistan, etc have higher cotton productivity than India. We need to be more efficient and effective in improving resource management to achieve higher productivity,” Ganatra said in his address.

He also added that India is striving hard to improve its cotton productivity level through implementation of High Density Planting and efficient and better protection from pest infestations.

Following robust crop prospects and a production outlook of about 354.5 lakh bales (each of 170 kg), Ganatra expressed confidence that India is likely to retain its numero-uno position this year from China.

He also flagged several challenges for Indian cotton, in the form of contamination issues. Even though it has excellent intrinsic value, Indian cotton faces contamination and excess moisture due to pouring of water and poor bale packaging etc, which diminishes the value.