Even as the Air India pilots’ strike entered its 48th day on Monday, there seems to be no end in sight.

A section of Air India pilots started a hunger protest on Monday in Mumbai. Ten of them are on an indefinite hunger strike.

In New Delhi, more than 100 Air India pilots had begun a hunger strike from Sunday morning, demanding the reinstatement of 101 sacked pilots and the restoration of recognition to the Indian Pilots Guild (IPG) as a trade union.

The pilots said that their protests will continue till the airline initiates talks with them.

Two weeks ago, the pilots went on a protest march against Air India’s management in New Delhi.

The pilots on strike belong to the IPG of the erstwhile Air India. In May, more than 400 pilots had declared a strike in protest against the airline management’s decision to train the erstwhile Indian Airlines pilots for the Dreamliner Boeing-787.

The pilots said that this would affect their career progression. Around that time, the IPG was derecognised and Air India sacked around 100 pilots.