The all-party meeting convened at the Prime Minister's residence on Wednesday saw all major political parties pledging their support for a ‘strong and effective' Lokpal institution.

However, suggestions from the Opposition parties (BJP and the Left) that the Government withdraw the Lokpal Bill and draft a new one that gives due consideration to the Jan Lokpal Bill met with stiff resistance from the ruling combine.

The UPA was in favour of a new draft that would be an amalgamation of the original Bill with the Jan Lokpal Bill and other versions, such as the one suggested by Ms Aruna Roy.

The meeting also saw representatives of several political parties emphasising the supremacy of Parliament. All the political parties appealed to the social activist Mr Anna Hazare to end his nine-day fast at the earliest.

After the all-party meeting, the Government and Team Anna went in for a third round of talks to sort out the differences and bring an end to the impasse.

Earlier in the day, the Minister of State for Personnel, Mr V. Narayanasamy, told the Rajya Sabha that the Government had forwarded the Jan Lokpal Bill to the Parliament's Standing Committee for consideration and it is up to it to take a decision.

On the issue of inclusion of the Prime Minister under the ambit of the proposed legislation, Mr Narayanasamy said Dr Manmohan Singh was open to the idea.

Anna fast continues

Meanwhile, as his fast entered the ninth day on Wednesday, Mr Hazare declared that he could fast for another nine days.

“I can fast for another nine days. We will fight together,” the 74-year-old social activist told the crowd at Ramlila Maidan. He addressed the gathering for almost 20 minutes amid growing concerns over his health.

In Delhi, traders called for a day-long bandh on Thursday to express solidarity with Mr Hazare. This was announced by leaders of the Delhi Traders Association at Ramlila Maidan.
