Andhra Pradesh has attracted ₹29,780 crore investment in industries in last two years, according M Gowtham Reddy, Minister for industries.

Between June 2019 and May 2021, around 65 mega and large industries were set up in the State with an investment of ₹29,780.86 crore by creating employment to 45,049 people, he said in a release.

On the MSME front, 13,885 units were set up with an investment of ₹4220.71 crore while employing 88,516 people.

Also, there are 62 projects under implementation with a total investment of ₹36,384.29 crore with a potential to create employment to 76,916 people and five public sector units with an investment of ₹96,400 crore and with a potential to create employment to 79,700 people, he added.