The Defence Minister, Mr A.K. Antony, has slammed China for raising objections to his visit to Arunachal Pradesh, describing Beijing’s comments on the issue as “most unfortunate” and “really objectionable’’.

He said Arunachal is an integral part of India as Jammu and Kashmir and as Defence Minister it is his right and duty to visit the state, which has recently celebrated 25th anniversary of its statehood.

“I was surprised to see such a reaction. I feel it is most unfortunate and, at the same time, it is really objectionable,” he told reporters here today.

His comments came as China reacted sharply to Mr Antony’s visit to Arunachal Pradesh for its statehood celebrations and said India should refrain from taking any action that could “complicate” the border issue.

Mr Antony said it was his right as Defence Minister to visit all border states.

“I have been visiting Arunachal since 1984. This time, I was thrilled to visit the state on its silver jubilee of attaining statehood,” he said, adding the state has achieved progress.

He said he was happy about the progress of the state and, at the same time, he felt that one has to give full support to it.

Asked about Pakistan’s objection to induction of nuclear submarines by India, he said New Delhi is strengthening its capabilities to protect its security and not for confronting anybody.

He said whatever steps have to be taken to ensure country’s security in the emerging security scenario, India will take it.