A day before being relieved from his current post, the Finance & Economic Affairs Secretary Arvind Mayaram has been transferred again. Now, he will join Ministry of Minority Affairs and not Tourism.

The Appointment Committee of the Cabinet (ACC) has decided to cancel its previous order dated October 15 for shifting Mayaram to Tourism Ministry from the Finance Ministry.

Earlier, Mayaram was to replace Parvez Dewan in Tourism Ministry who is superannuating on October 31. The Government has already announced Mayaram’s batch mate Rajiv Mehrishi as the new Economic Affairs Secretary.

Since, Mehrishi is senior most among five secretaries (Economic Affairs, Revenue, Expenditure, Financial Services and Disinvestment) in the Finance Ministry, he is expected to become next Finance Secretary too. A formal announcement will be made either on Friday or on Monday.

Meanwhile, the Government has also approved to give additional charge of Secretary in Economic Affairs Department to Expenditure Secretary Ratan Watal. He will hold this charge for a month or until the assumption of charge of post by Mehrishi as new Economic Affairs Secretary.

Mayaram is second Secretary level officer in the Finance Ministrty going out after Modi Government assumed charge on May 26. Earlier in June, the Financial Services Secretary Rajiv Takru was shifted to Ministry of Development of North Eastern Region (DONER). Last month, he was transferred again to National Commission for Minorities.

The Additional Secretary in the Economic Affairs Department KP Krishan has already been transferred. He has been in-charge of Capital Market Division but now he will be Additional Secretary in the Ministry of Rural Development. Economic Affairs Department is responsible for budget making.

On October 16, the Government appointed noted economist Arvind Subramanian as new Chief Economic Advisor. With appointments, team for 2015-16 General Budget is in place. The Finance Ministry has already initiated the process and now detailed consultations will take place which will culminate in the presentation of Budget in February.