Enumerating his priorities as chief of the United Nations for a second term, the Secretary General, Mr Ban Ki-moon, has said global security, democratisation challenges in places like Libya and sustainable development will feature prominently on his agenda.

He said global and regional security and peaceful implementation of democratic reforms will be key challenges.

“We are supporting the transitions that are under way in Egypt and Tunisia, and are deeply engaged in the diplomatic efforts aimed at a solution to the conflict in Libya,” Mr Ban said in a statement.

He added that sustainable development will also remain his top priority during his second term as head of the UN.

Other key challenges include achieving the global poverty reduction goals and strengthening disaster risk reduction to avert crises caused by climate change.

“Since my re-election, I have been consulting widely with member states and the full range of UN partners on what they see as the great challenges going forward,” the statement quoted Mr Ban as saying in Korean capital Seoul.

“Looking to the longer horizon, sustainable development is at the top of my list of priorities,” he said.

The General Assembly had in June agreed to appoint Mr Ban to a second consecutive term as Secretary—General. He will continue to serve until December 2016.

He pointed out that another area of concern was the humanitarian crisis brought on by the severe drought in the Horn of Africa which has led to famine in several areas of Somalia and made an estimated 12.4 million people in the wider region dependent on food aid.

“As we respond to this emergency, we also need to deal with the underlying causes.

“Today’s drought may be the worst in decades, but with the effects of climate change being increasingly felt throughout the world, it surely will not be the last,” Mr Ban said, adding that long-term solutions would require the development of drought-resistant seeds, irrigation, rural infrastructure and livestock programmes.

The Secretary-General emphasised that in an era of budgetary constraints, the UN must continue to fulfil its mandates with the resources available.