The All-India Bank Officers’ Confederation (AIBOC) has sought strict action against wilful defaulters in banking industry.

DN Prakash, vice-president of AIBOC and president of Corporation Bank Officers’ Organisation, said that the 73rd executive committee meeting of AIBOC, which was conducted in Chennai recently, deliberated on the issues of increase in NPAs in the banking industry.

He said the meeting sought the publication of names of loan defaulters in national newspapers. It demanded that the wilful default be made a criminal offence under the Indian Penal Code.

The meeting also resolved that the wilful defaulters should be debarred from contesting elections by amending the ‘Representation of the People Act’.

It also demanded de-linking profitability of banking industry from the wage revision of bank employees and officers, as the profitability is largely affected by rising NPAs for reasons beyond the control of employees.

AIBOC will launch a country-wide campaign against the menace of NPAs, Prakash said in a statement here.