Opposing the Higher Education Research Bill, the Bar Council of India on Tuesday said it will protest against the move in a phased manner. The decision emanates from a joint meeting held by BCI with all the State Bar Councils and other representatives of the Bar Associations of Delhi held on May 19.

A release said that the BCI will oppose the drafting of the Bill till the Ministry of Human Resource and Development (HRD) “excludes ‘legal education' and the ‘Advocates Act', 1961 from the purview….” The Bill seeks to regulate the legal education system in India which is currently under the purview of the BCI.

The Bar Council is also opposed to the Foreign Educational Institutions (Regulation of Entry and Operations) Bill 2010, The National Accreditation Regulatory Authority for Higher Educational Institutions Act 2010, The Prohibition of Unfair Practices in Higher Educational Institution Bill 2010, The Educational Tribunals Bill 2012 and The National Law Schools Bill 2011.