The Finance Ministry today said the Government will take a decision on seeking review of the Supreme Court order constituting a Special Investigation Team (SIT), in the next two - three days.

Both the Finance and Law Ministries are discussing the July 4 order of the apex court appointing a SIT, which includes two former SC judges, to monitor steps to bring back unaccounted money stashed in tax havens.

“We (Finance Minister) are seeking their (Law Ministry) views...some decision is likely in 2 - 3 days,” the Chairman of Central Board Direct Taxes (CBDT), Mr Prakash Chandra, told reporters here on the sidelines of a function.

The Government has not yet taken a final view on seeking review of the Supreme Court order, he said adding that “the order is very broad and was being studied”.

On July 4, pulling up the Government for the “laggardly pace” in investigations into the issue of black money stashed abroad, the apex court appointed a SIT headed by former Supreme Court judge Mr B.P. Jeevan Reddy to monitor steps taken to bring the unaccounted money back home.

Another former apex court judge Mr M.B. Shah will be Vice-Chairman of the 13-member SIT into which Director of Research and Analysis Wing (RAW) has also been inducted.

The court also directed that the High—Level Committee (HLC) constituted by the government to look into the issue of black money would “forthwith” be part of the SIT.