The Brookings Institution — a non-profit public policy organisation based in Washington — announced the establishment of a new centre for public policy research in New Delhi on Tuesday.

The centre, Brookings India, will focus on policy-relevant research and analysis on the opportunities and challenges being faced by India and the rest of the world, a company release said.

Priority would be given to domestic and global economics, foreign policy, energy policy and infrastructure policy and these would be aligned with India’s policy agenda.

“Whether humanity thrives in the 21st century will depend in no small measure on India’s success in meeting the needs of its people and in exerting regional and global leadership,” said Strobe Talbott, President of the Brookings Institution. The centre would also look at collaborating with think-tanks in the country. Vikram Singh Mehta, who was till recently Chairman of the Shell Group, will serve as the Chairman of Brookings India.

“Given India’s considerable strategic importance to the US and the larger international community, how India deals with its challenges and opportunities is a matter of great interest across the world,” said Mehta.