In the wake of the Budget announcement, the corridors of the business world are abuzz with anticipation and analysis, particularly in the start-up sector. As the Finance Minister unveiled a comprehensive plan to navigate the economic landscape, attention has been drawn to the nuanced details shaping the future for entrepreneurs and start-up ecosystem.

From tax extensions fostering innovation to a fresh perspective on affordable housing, this Budget promises a tapestry of opportunities and challenges, creating a canvas where economic aspirations of the country meet inclusive growth. It reflects a positive outlook for the start-up ecosystem, emphasising its pivotal role in achieving inclusive, balanced, higher growth, and productivity.

The industry has been expecting a couple of initiatives, such as increase in tax rebate for housing loans for up to ₹5 lakh, simplified regulation and compliance norms for start-ups, ease of doing business for start-ups which would be at par with what listed companies enjoy, with similar tax breaks and incentives, and access to funds for R&D. While these steps will be welcome, let’s break down what the Budget spells for the ecosystem at large.

Taxation for start-ups

The Finance Minister, in line with convention, has maintained the current tax rates for both direct and indirect taxes, including import duties. However, attention was drawn to certain tax benefits set to expire in March 2024. These benefits, specifically designed for start-ups and investments by sovereign wealth or pension funds, along with tax exemptions for income in certain International Financial Services Centre (IFSC) units, play a crucial role in promoting economic growth.

To provide continuity and support for these sectors, the Finance Minister has proposed an extension of the expiration date to March 2025. This move aims to offer stability and encouragement for start-ups and attract investments in the ever-evolving entrepreneurial landscape.

The extension of tax benefits ensures that start-ups have the financial impetus to continue their innovative endeavours, contributing to the overall growth of the economy. The government’s recognition of the importance of start-ups in driving technological advancements aligns with global trends and positions India as a competitive player in the international innovation landscape.

Boost to Technological Development

The Budget has unfurled a canvas of opportunities that holds the promise of transformative change in the world of technology. A visionary move entails the creation of a substantial corpus amounting to ₹1 lakh crore, generously funded through a 50-year interest-free loan. This financial reservoir will serve as a catalyst for long-term financing or re-financing initiatives, offering the prospect of low to nil interest rates. The infusion of such a substantial fund with favourable loan terms is poised to fuel a surge in groundbreaking ventures, fostering an environment where creativity flourishes unbridled.

Housing & Inclusive Development

The Budget announcement also addressed the real estate sector, focusing on making homeownership more accessible to deserving sections of the middle class. A new scheme is set to be launched to assist those living in rented houses, or slums, or chawls and unauthorised colonies in purchasing or building their own houses. This initiative demonstrates a humane and inclusive approach to development, prioritising housing for all.


In light of this being the interim Budget, it’s good to observe the government’s strategic vision for the year ahead. We further anticipate that the forthcoming final Budget in July will introduce additional elements and further insights to boost the start-up ecosystem. The groundwork laid in this Budget, with its corpus for tech-savvy youth and continued support for entrepreneurs, sets the stage for a more vibrant, resilient, and innovative economy. The allocation of government funds becomes not just a financial transaction but a strategic investment in the growth and development of the start-up ecosystem, affirming India’s position as a global player in the realms of innovation and entrepreneurship. As we await the unfolding chapters of economic progress, the resonance of hope and optimism echoes, painting a picture of a nation marching confidently towards a future defined by inclusive growth and boundless possibilities.

The writer is Co-founder and Chief Business Officer of NoBroker