A former Cabinet Minister had once said “I have held many a portfolios but what I am always referred to is as Former Finance Minister.” No wonder then when the stand-in Finance Minister, Piyush Goyal, entered the Lok Sabha to present his maiden Budget , stress of doing the task was evident.

A smile on his face, typical Goyal style, and not erring in social etiquette, he touched the feet of some of the senior BJP members before he took his place. There was a sudden flutter when Goyal could not locate one of the main documents and he was seen asking his team of officials in sign language for the same.

“I am deeply conscious of the absence of Shri Arun Jaitley today. I am sure the House joins me in wishing Shri Jaitley speedy recovery, good health and a long life in the service of the nation,” and so Goyal started.

A today’s person, Goyal’s speech was more “Hinglish”, with the next generation Minister from BJP effortlessly switching from English to Hindi and vice-versa based on the audience he wanted to address with the announcement. For example, when he spoke about cash dole for farmers or pension scheme for unorganised workers he made use of this. 

Of course, he was aware that his government has been on attack for jobs, Goyal ensured that whatever announcement was being made – jobs and employment – were stressed. Also, there were enough references to his party’s manifesto.

Budget 2019 presentation: As it happened

And then came the Part B of the speech which deals with tax proposals, ensuring that he is not deviating from any conventions he said “Though as per convention, the main tax proposals will be presented in the regular budget, small taxpayers, especially middle class, salary earners, pensioners, and senior citizens need certainty in their minds at the beginning of the year about their taxes. Therefore, proposals, particularly relating to such class of persons should not wait. Hence, while for the present the existing rates of income tax will continue for FY 2019-20, I propose the following…”

No sooner he announced it, he got a thumping response from his colleagues in the house ....most were amused because leading it was the Prime Minister Narendra Modi.

ALSO READ: Quick fix budget pleases market

Budget speeches are incomplete now without reciting poetry. Goyal stuck to this norm too: Ek paun rakhta hu, hazaar rahein fut padti hai ,' quoting a Maharashtrian poet.

Overall, it was a speech true Goyal style!