How to use this map: Click on individual icons to know more about various projects, allocations, facilities awarded and so on. The menu on the top left displays the different layers. You can select the layers you wish to see.

Port Connectivity (icon: anchors, along the coast. Zoom in to see the links between ports); Pilgrimage Centres (icon: orange dots, across the country), Tiger Tourist Circuits (all located in Madhya Pradesh, zoom in to see details of the wildlife reserves); Connectivity in the North-East (the station symbols on the North-East give details on the development of rail network in those regions. Zoom in to see the links and details); Udhampur-Srinagar-Baramulla Rail Link Project (zoom in on Jammu and Kashmir to see the targets achieved, the stations being linked and so on).

(Mapped by Mahima A Jain, with Lavanya Prabhakaran)