Umesh Chowdhary, Vice-Chairman and Managing Director of Titagarh Wagons Ltd , felt the Railway Budget proposals for 2016-17 were positive for the wagons and coach manufacturing industry.

He said that the proposals for three more dedicated freight corridors, increasing track capacity, increasing the speed and axle load of wagons would go a long way for the rolling stock manufacturers.

In his opinion proposals for involving the states for creating additional railway infrastructure, opening up the various restrictive policies in private freight movement, setting up of independent regulator and organising finance through innovative means from domestic and international sources were welcome.

“Railways being a very large organisation, it would be impossible to see results in a very short period and therefore I am not overtly concerned about the operating ratios of FY16. What is important is that the journey, which has been embarked upon, is certain to lead the Indian Railways to a very successful destination,” he said in a statement.

“The new dedicated freight corridors announced from Kharagpur will be extremely beneficial to West Bengal,” Chowdhary added. He felt the thrust of the Railway Minister had been on regaining market share.