A high-level delegation from the Canadian High Commission visited the Technopark here this morning.

It comprised Ms Sara Wilshaw, Minister (Commercial) and Ms Ivy Lerner-Frank, First Secretary, Education, Science and Technology, and Trade Commissioner.

Mr Girish Babu, Chief Executive Officer, and Mr M. Vasudevan, Senior Business Development Manager, Technopark, received the delegation.

It visited the Infosys campus here where company officials made presentations on company activities.

Ms Wilshaw said that she was impressed by the infrastructure facilities available in Technopark for IT and ITeS companies.

She promised to bring this to the notice of Canadian High Commission who is looking for investment opportunities in India.

"We had fruitful discussions with the delegation and hope to see some strategic developments based on them," said Mr Girish Babu.

"We are positive that the delegation will carry with them good feedback on Technopark," he added.

Mr Harsh Dhingra, Director, Services, and Head, Business Development at Bombardier Transportation, had accompanied the Canadian delegation.
